Hey wants to see your website in different laguages then follow these
simple steps... :)
1. First of all install a module called "internationalization" from the
folloing link http://drupal.org/project/i18n follow the same steps to
enable the module in admin/build/modules but dont forget to enable the
"Locale module".
2.After installation of module add language which you want,let we want
our site to be in english and hindi,so we need to add hindi language go
to the following link and add the hindi language "admin/settings/language
2.Now you are ready,the module you have installed will create a block in
admin/build/block named as "language switcher", locate it where you
want.let we place it in 'right sidebar'.
3. configure the block, give it title etc..
4.Now go to the link below,download and extract the 'hindi translation'
package http://drupal.org/project/hi
5.This package will contain .po(portable object) files.
6.Go to 'admin/build/translate',now you will see there are two languages
english and hindi,below hindi there will be percentage of translated
strings,zero now as we have not imported the hindi translation package.
7.Now go to the import option(admin/build/translate/import) browse to the
folder where you have put your hindi translation package.
8.Import the files one by one to their respective text group for eg-import the
module files in built-in-interface and profile files in profile text group.
9.As you will import the .po files the percentage of translated string under
hindi language will increase.
10.To check your site is changing to hindi language or not go to language
switcher in the right sidebar and click hindi,you will see your site in hindi :)
11.Now you could see the full site is not in hindi language,this happens
bacause till now we have imported the .po files for only the core modules
functions,but we have also used the contrib modules for them go as follows..
12.Go to sites/all/modules and click any modules you will see a folder named as
"translations" open that folder and copy any .po file.
13.Rename that file with 'hi.po'(this is for hindi translation),open file you will
see a set of string with title as 'msgid' and 'msgstr'.
14.Now copy the string from 'msgid', go to google translator convert this to
your desired language and paste the converted string in msgstr title do it
for whole file.
15.Repeat this for all the modules you have installed.
16.Now import these files as previous (admin/build/translate/import).
17.Thats all now your site becomes bilingual.... :)
If you are involved in the process of localizing a website and need to translate your strings, you can try https://poeditor.com/. It's a software localization management platform designed to improve and simplify users' workflow.